
文章简介:李约瑟<中国科学技术史>"作者序"英文原文与全译本中译文 i.李约瑟<中国科学技术史>"作者序"英文原文1preface for the i

李约瑟《中国科学技术史》“作者序”英文原文与全译本中译文 i.李约瑟《中国科学技术史》“作者序”英文原文1
preface for the integral translation of “science and civilisation
in china”, presided over by lu chia-his
it is the greatest of pleasures for me to learn that an integral
chinese translation of “science and civilisation in china” is now going
forward under the editorial direction of my old friend, lu chia-hsi.

earlier translations were done, both in beijing and in taipei, but they
were not very complete, and for one reason or another, not very

it is a wonderful thing to reflect that all the riches
which i was able to discover in the relations between china and the
western world will now be available to chinese readers in their own

if i were to try to pin-point the most essential feature of such
comparisons, i would say that it was the comparative method.

of course
there are many other requirements, for example one must be able to read
chinese as well as many western languages, and one must have a good
grounding which makes one realize that not every book was
written at the date which it purports to be from.

but a good
understanding of the comparative times of discoveries and inventions in
china and the western world is quite indispensable.

for example, it was not that many chinese scholars did not know
quite well the book of su sung, written in +1094, hsin i hsiang fa yao
(new design for making armillary sphere and a celestial globe rotate automatically, i.

e. for an astronomical clock).they were very familiar
with this book, but it never struck any of them as odd that it should
contain a description of an escapement, because nobody realize that
there was no such thing in europe before +1300 approximately.

escapement is a device for slowing down the rotation of a wheel so that
it keeps time with man's primary clock, the diurna1 revolutionof the
starry heavens.

this is done by the cutting up of time into very short
equal intervals.

the fact that the motive power was derived from water
or mercury flowing into buckets on the rim of a wheel from a constant-
level tank, while in europe later on it was derived from a falling
weight, has nothing to do with the question at all.

the water-wheel
link-work escapement of china preceded the verge-and-foliotescapement
of europe by at least 200 years, and i still feel that it was a case of
what has been called“stimulus diffusion”.

my suggestion is that people
in europe said to each other “far away over there, in the east, men have
found out how to slow down a wheel by cutting time into very smallequal

why can’t we do this too?” and so they proceeded to invent
the verge-and-foliot escapement, using a falling weight as with its
greek antecedents.

our researches showed indeed that the gap may have been much more than 200 years.

the first water-wheel link-work escapement clock of
which we have adequate records was that made by i-hsing and liang ling-
tsan about +720,so that would make nearer seven centuries than two.

and since there is a possibility that the chinese method was used by
chang heng in the later han period, the priority of the chinese water-
wheel link-work escapement over tile verge-and-foliot escapement of
europe might well be nearer thirteen centuries than seven.

all this
bears out the suggestion that any chinese who had come to europe in the
+9th century would have found it a rather backward place.

however this
may be, it is clear that it was really essential to have a comparative
outlook so that one knew that there was no escapement of any kind in
europe before about +1300, the time of dante.

the same thing is true of the standard method of interconversion of
rotary and longitudinal motion, namely the wheel,the eccentric crank,
the connecting-rod and the piston-rod, such as may be seen in every
steam locomotive of the present day, and even in the internal combustion
engine when stripped down.

machines anatomically similar to these are illustrated in allthe relevant chinese books from the time of wang
chen’s nung shu (treatise on agricu1ture) onwards (+1313), not only for metallurgical bellows, but also for operating flour-sifters, or bolting-
machines, and any other machinery requiring a longitudinal motion.

differences is indeed that the source or power was the water-wheel, while
in the prime motors of europe, the force of steam was applied to the
piston, but otherwise the set-ups were morphologically the same.

chinese machines converted rotary motion into longitudinal motion, because they started with the water-wheel, whereas the european machines converted longitudinal into circular motion, but in all other respects they were

the oldest drawing in europe which depicts the whole set-up
dates from about+ 1445 and is by antonio pisanello.

it should a pair of piston-pumps operated by rocking levers, raised and lowered by
connecting-rods from two cranks fitted 180 apart on the two side of an
over-shot water-wheel.

so the ad-pistonian arrangement must have come
in europe a long time before the ex-pistonian one.this last indeed was
patented by james pickard in +1780.

one hundred years or more e1apses between the pictures in wang
chen's book and the drawing of antonio pisanello, but the constituent
parts of the chinese machine went back far beyond the date of +1213.

the crank makes its first appearance as the handle of a built-in
winnowing-fan machine in farmyard models of the han period (-2nd century
to +2nd century).

then a connecting-rod becomes attached to it in the
nan chao period (between +420 and +589) as a device to allow several
farmers to work at the same quern.

*then, going backwards from -1313,
we find a painting of the +10th century entitled“the water-mill at thesluice-gate entrance”.

this was the work of wei hsien of the southern
t'ang period, about +965, and must be the oldest painting, extant today
of the “water-pusher’’(shui phai), as the machines of the nung shu type
were called.

now,however, this machine, converting rotary to longitudinal
motion, appears to have existed in +547.

for that is the date or the
loyang chhieh-lan chi, an account of the wonders of the monasteries of

it depends on the single character po, which means a bolting-
machine or a sitting-machine, operated by water-power.

there seems to
be no way in which this could have worked apart from the conversion of
rotary into longitudinal movement,in the middle +6th century is the
earliest date at which we have evidence of it today.

again, many chinese scholars undoubtedly knew the description in
the nung shu,but no one was conscious of the fact that pisanello’s
* this, it should be noted, was an “ex-pistonian” device, like the
later engines of europe, because it converted longitudinal (push-
and pull) motion into rotary motion.

drawing came a hundred years later, and now we know that the chinese
priority in this machine is more like 900 years.

i have given these two
examples to show how in machinery the use of the comparative method is

both these examples are taken from mechanical
engineering, butother subjects such as astronomy or medicine would prove
the point equally well.

during the past thirty years there has been an explosion
of new knowledge and understanding about the part played by china and
chinese culture in the ancient and mediaeval history of science,
technology and medicine.

it should indeed be a great source of
legitimate pride to the chinese people that they so early among the
nations of the whole world in the investigation of nature and its
application for human benefit.

finally, i could not end without paying a tribute to mychinese
collaborators.i have always said that the range of knowledge required
in this work is so vast that little could be done by either chinese or
westerners alone ; it has to be a joint effort.

therefore i should like
to thank deeply dr lu gwei-djen, dr wang ling (wang ching-ning) and
dr ho peng-yoke (ho ping-yu)and dr huang hsing-tsung - to name only
four collaborators -for the creative help and insight they have given
over the years.

joseph needham
ii. 李约瑟《中国科学技术史》全译本“作者序”中译文





中国的水轮联动擒纵机构,领先于欧洲的立轴横杆式擒纵机构至少二百年。我至今仍然觉得,这就是所谓“激发性传播(stimulus diffusion)”的例证。






约在1445年,安东尼奥皮萨内洛(antonio pisanello)绘制的一幅图,是欧洲有关这种机械整体结构的最早的绘画。

图中有一对活塞泵,由摇杆操纵,摇杆则靠连杆上下运动,而连杆是由安装在上射水轮两侧相距180°的两个曲柄带动。因此,“推动活塞”装置(ad-pistonian arrangement)在欧洲出现,肯定比“活塞推动”装置(ex-pistonian arrangement)要早得多。

事实上,在1780年“活塞推动”装置才由詹姆斯皮卡德(james pickard)获得专利。








(刘祖慰译 袁翰青 卢嘉锡 校)
1) 应该注意,这是“活塞推动”装置,与后来欧洲的发动机相仿,因为它把直线运动(推和拉)转换成旋转运动。