



悠悠岁月的神奇之笔,大自然的巧夺天工,使果洛藏族自治州这方神奇、恢宏、博大的草原山峦逶迤,河流纵横,湖泊棋布,熠熠生辉;草原肥沃,林木葳蕤;那神话般的传说和现实中的神话交织在一起,给人以无限的遐思和无穷的回味。境内地域辽阔,山河壮丽,风景优美。中华民族的母亲河 ---黄河,犹如一条飘逸的银丝带,将珍珠般的玛多、玛沁、甘德、达日、班玛、久治六县串连在一起,构成了梦幻般的人间天境。镶嵌在***黄河第一县玛多县境内宛如明镜似的扎陵湖、鄂陵湖和星宿海,犹如点缀在母亲河源头的明珠,形成了黄河源头风景如画的旅游景观。千湖之县的美誉,玛多当之无愧。据史***载,唐贞观 15年,唐太宗派礼部尚书李道宗持节护送文成公主入藏,途经河源时,文成公主与事先驻扎在柏海(今扎陵、鄂陵两湖的古称)迎候公主的松赞干布举行盛大婚礼,观赏河源风光。

文成公主与松赞干布在湖畔的歇息逗留,述写了藏汉民族世代传唱的颂歌。两湖地区又是著名叙事史诗《格萨尔王传》中所述的抗暴除妖、为民消灾的岭国国王格萨尔大王的故乡,两湖地区至今仍留有加洛村、阿西地等域廓遗址,置身于此,一股寻古幽情又会悄然窜出你的意念,使你朦朦胧胧看到那尘烟弥漫,人喊马嘶的征战场面。海拔 6282米雄伟的阿尼玛卿雪山座落在玛沁县境内,是国内四大著名雪山之一,世界九位开天辟地造化神之一,声名远扬,令人向往。她终年积雪,冰川逶迤,雪峰突兀,气魄雄壮,有着诸多美丽的传说,藏传佛教信徒心中的守护神,吸引着国内外众多的科学考察者和香客前来观瞻攀登,焚香祈祷。

被誉为格萨尔文化活化石的德尔文村,承载着甘德的历史文化,雪域第一塔、黄河第一峡 ---官仓峡,演绎着甘德的神奇和神秘。达日县境内的格萨尔大王狮龙宫殿群山环抱,祥云缭绕,芳草连天,风景优美,得先辈英豪之灵气,丰盈黄河水之润泽,使这里山青水秀,牧场广袤,形成玛域格萨尔传统文化的独特魅力。班玛县境内那鬼斧神工的果洛小江南,使人如置身世外桃源,听林涛之悦耳,看猕猴之嘻闹;听百鸟之啁啾、看禾苗之翻滚 .久治县境内的年宝玉则国家地质公园以年宝主峰为主,环绕 3600座特色各异的山峰和360个美丽的湖泊。其地质遗迹面积为 800平方公里,距今 3.


Millions of years powerful natural forces have made the Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture a mysterious place with not only fertile grassland, high mountains, but numerous rivers and lakes as well, leaving people far away in reveries.

Guoluo is particularly beautiful. Maduo County is called the first county of Ten-Thousand-Li Yellow River. In it, the Zaling Lake, the Eling Lake and the Xingxiu Sea look like bright pearls embedded in the source of the Yellow River, and the picturesque scenery attracts many tourists to Guoluo every year.

Maduo County deserves the good reputation as the County with One Thousand Lakes. According to historical records, in the 15th year of Zhengguan period in the early Tang Dynasty, Emperor Li Shimin married his daughter Princess Wencheng to Tibet escorted by his minister Li Daozong.

When they got to the two lakes, Songtsam Gambo, King of the Tubo Kingdom, who had waited for the princess, held a grand wedding ceremony here. The newly-wed couple stayed here for a short time, spending their honey-moon, enjoying the enchanting views.

These beautiful and romantic stories have been passed on among Tibetan people generation after generation. The region between the Eling Lake and the Zaling Lake was the hometown of the King Gesar, the King of Bailing tribe, who was said in the Legends of King Gesar to have led his people to fight against violent repressions and eliminate demons.

There still remain Jialuo and Axi City Defense Wall relics and many others, which take modern people back to those ancient battles. Nianbaoyuze National Geology Park in Jiuzhi County consists of Nianbao Peak in the center, 3,600 peaks of varied shapes and 360 beautiful lakes surrounding the park.

It includes an 800-square-kilometer geological relic area, which came into being over 380 million years ago. Therefore, it is of unique significance for scientists to study the glacial changes over time and for people to enjoyt the beauty of nature.

The highest peak of the Nianbaoyuze Mountain is snow-covered all year round, beautiful and grand. Many precipitous granite cliffs tower themselves in the sky with green pine and cypress trees billowing in the wind among peaks and valleys. In the deep ravines and valleys flowing rivers and springs.

Lakes of different sizes are scattered like pieces on the check board. One of the peculiarities is the changeable weather here. It is so changeable that one can experience four seasons of a year in one day. It is sunny and genial for a while, suddenly becomes thunderous and stormy, and turns rainy and snowy unexpectedly, leaving people wondering at the magic changes of nature.

The Animaqing Mountain, 6282 meters above sea level, lies in Maqing County and is considered to be one of the four most famous snow mountains. It is the highest in Qinghai province, and the biggest Holy Mountain in the prefecture.

It is snow-covered throughout the year. There are many beautiful legends about the holy mountain, so the mountain is regarded as Protecting God by Tibetan Buddhists and attracts many scholars for scientific explorations and pilgrims to burn incense and worship. The Lion and Dragon Palace for the King Gesar is located in Dari County and is surrounded by high mountains.

Thanks to the Yellow River, the vast grassland here is fertile and people have been influenced by the rich Gesar culture. In Banma County, nature has created a rich and beautiful place named Little Jiangnan in Guoluo ( Jiangnan refers to the areas south of lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the most beautiful and prosperous places in China).

It is really a Shangri-La, a haven of peace and happiness. One can enjoy listening to the forest trees soughing in the wind, looking at monkeys amusing themselves, hearing birds chirping and watching fields of billowing wheat.

Another particular scene is Tibetan lamaseries scattered across the prefecture, such as Lajia Lamasery of the Gelu Sect, Baiyu Lamasery and Chalang Lamasery of the Ningma Sect. Lamaseries are embodiments of Tibetan peoples traditional culture.

The unique natural geographical conditions and long Gesar culture make Guoluo Prefecture abundant with tourism resources of high quality. Those scenic spots tell tourists fascinating legends of ancient time. The legends and stories, as numerous stars in the bright sky, show Tibetan peoples passion, love and dreams for the future.
May Guoluo be more beautiful and prosperous!