
文章简介:当谈起甜酒的时候,你想到了什么?是苏玳的贵腐,还是托卡伊阿苏?可当你真正走进甜酒的世界,就会发现甜酒远远没有那么简单. What pops up in your mind when talking about dessert wine? Sauternes or Tokaji Aszu? Well, only when you approach into the world of dessert wine, will you realize that it is not as simple as

当谈起甜酒的时候,你想到了什么?是苏玳的贵腐,还是托卡伊阿苏?可当你真正走进甜酒的世界,就会发现甜酒远远没有那么简单。 What pops up in your mind when talking about dessert wine? Sauternes or Tokaji Aszu? Well, only when you approach into the world of dessert wine, will you realize that it is not as simple as you think.

虽然有人说干型葡萄酒才是主流,但这并不能阻挡人们对甜型葡萄酒的喜爱。爱喝甜酒的你在和朋友们谈论甜型葡萄酒时,都说些什么呢?还在品评来自苏玳(Sauternes)甜酒和托卡伊阿苏(Tokaji Aszu)吗?甜葡萄酒可远没有那么简单,快来和小编一起看看这一期的红酒世界连环话,补充补充甜酒的谈资吧。
