2017 Liam Gallagher深圳演唱会时间,地点及订票安排

文章简介:让中国乐迷苦等了26年的英伦摇滚传奇主唱Liam Gallagher的首次中国巡演,在今夏8月终于成行!Liam Gallagher曾担任知名英伦摇滚乐队主唱,

让中国乐迷苦等了26年的英伦摇滚传奇主唱Liam Gallagher的首次中国巡演,在今夏8月终于成行!Liam Gallagher曾担任知名英伦摇滚乐队主唱,帅气的外表、独特的嗓音、极具个人特色的舞台表演风格以及桀骜不驯的处事态度,深受媒体和乐迷们的青睐,成为英伦摇滚史上最令人印象深刻也最具代表性的乐队主唱之一。

今年,Liam Gallagher已受邀参加日本Summer Sonic音乐节,首张个人专辑《As You Were》亦将于近期发布,此次中国巡演的演唱曲目,相信会令乐迷们多出一份期待。一起来见证这场等候了26年之久的会面,用激情朝圣专属于这个夏天,专属于Liam Gallagher的英伦摇滚之夜。8月,现场见!聚橙网为大家整理了2017 Liam Gallagher演唱会深圳站演出时间,地点及订票安排,喜欢Liam Gallagher的歌迷,你们准备好去现场听摇滚演唱会了吗?Liam Gallagher will make its debut tour in China this August.The former Oasis frontman will perform at National Olympic Sports Center in Beijing on August 10 and at CR Shenzhen Bay Sports Center on August 12.Liam Gallagher, known for his distinctive voice and singing style, is shining all the time no matter performs as the former leading singer of legendary rock Oasis or an independent singer-songwriter.In 2012, Liam performed a rendition of Oasis’ classic, Wonderwall, at the Olympics Games’closing ceremony in London.Liam Gallagher has been invited to perform at this year’s Summer Sonic in Japan. His debut solo album, As You Were, is scheduled to be released this year. Fans can expect his new songs during the upcoming China tour.Don`t miss this opportunity to sing with Liam and rock the British rocking summer. See you there!2017 Liam Gallagher深圳站 立即订票时 间:2017.08.12 20:00场 馆:华润深圳湾体育中心"春茧"体育馆票 价:¥380~1480