溏心风暴3黄围家跟许贝儿表白被拒 第18集英文插曲《will you remember

文章简介:溏心风暴3黄围家跟许贝儿表白被拒 第18集英文插曲<will you remember you>谁唱的及歌词介绍??大家跟小编一起看看,告诉你们吧. 黄家的家庭让观众们非常喜欢,底层打拼,家长有生活情趣且互相关心,正爸正妈真是很恩爱才能给这个家庭带来这么多的温暖,情人节都可以过成家庭日,抢凳子的情节都可以看出他们真的是老顽童,而且是真的因为这头家而乐在其中.虽然从头至尾的"以爱围家"slogan很俗套,但看到20集已经Buy了他们Sell的东西. 从前面的剧情就可以知道,许

溏心风暴3黄围家跟许贝儿表白被拒 第18集英文插曲《will you remember you》谁唱的及歌词介绍??大家跟小编一起看看,告诉你们吧。



叫《will you remember you》,是由Adrienne Aiken演唱的。

Will you remember the dresse I wore

Will you remember my face

Will you remember the lipstick I wore

This world is a wonderful place.

Will you remember the black limousine

Will you remember champagne

Will you remember the things that we‘ve seen

I will return here again.

Will you remember the flowers in my hand

Will you remember my hair

Will you remember the future we planned

The world is not waiting out there.

I won’t remember the dress I wore.

I won‘t remember champagne.

I won’t remember the things that we swore.

I will just love you in vain.

Will you remember

Will you recall

Will you remember